Questions and Comments

Please send any questions or comments you have at

We need your assistance!

If you fit any of the following jobs email us at

  • Accountant
  • Agriculture specialists
  • Anthropologists
  • Architect
  • Banking
  • Climatologists
  • Communications specialists (cellular and other)
  • Country experts
  • Economist
  • Engineers: Civil, mechanical, electrical, software, etc.
  • Ethics
  • Geologist
  • Infectious disease experts
  • Legal counsel: International law, property rights
  • Livestock
  • Ratings
  • Real estate
  • Sanitation specialists
  • Security experts
  • Statistician
  • Technology experts

Let us know what you or your company needs that we can do in Africa/SE Asia for less. TIE will save you money and you will save lives.

More information coming soon!

We need your ideas!

What can we make in Africa/SE Asia for use anywhere in the country for profit?

More information coming soon!